Europe then Luxembourg for the legal framework

While France is the common denominator of the three founders of timeNough and French is the language of all their…

0 Comments1 Minute

Major players expanded their Enterprise Software offerings

We were able to isolate a repetitive pattern that some manufacturers of the Enterprise Software world have, namely the…

0 Comments7 Minutes

How to find beta testers for your software prototype

I will share with you our recent and current experiences with two platforms that we have been using in conjunction, for…

0 Comments16 Minutes

timeNough MVP: Episode II – The twelve-member team

This episode discuss about the fictional and alternate reality of 12 imagined employees for the need of…

0 Comments2 Minutes

How to control a time logger through Cc

In John Doeson's mailbox, you can demonstrate this concept: you select one of timeNough's bots from the Cc field and…

0 Comments1 Minutes

Information Security or Security Software? 4 ways to be reassured

Based on free, public and dedicated content, an Information Security department’s primary focus is to protect…

5 Comments11 Minutes

Software answers to SCM: Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management software provide real-time analytical systems that manage the flow of product and information…

0 Comments6 Minutes

How to approach Business Intelligence in five minutes

Business Intelligence analyzes enterprise data and uses dashboards and other interfaces to present that data in a way…

0 Comments5 Minutes