Client company CoreNough LLC


How to Do More With Less Interfaces

to me

Johny, how's it going?

I just wanted to remind you of two things about timeNough.

Apparently, CoreNough decided from last week to pay and install this software into all our mailboxes. Monday I completed a training on the subject in order to master the tool and understand its purpose, and now I feel very comfortable using it.

Feel free to contact Lara Bowen from the Marketing team if need more details, timeNough equipment comes from her ideas and suggestions. You should also have received an email about Sub-addressing with complete explanations. The two following points should never be lost sight of, otherwise you may quickly become overwhelmed and miss the point, which would be unfortunate.

1. Less Interface, Better Flow

As I understood during the timeNough workshop with a guy from that company, the idea here was to look at how many different screens and interfaces we are face to every day, as office employees, and avoid adding another since a new interface means a new period of getting accustomed to. Since office workers are frequently exposed to a lot of dashboards and software windows, the folks who founded the project thought they would stand out from the competition by going the opposite direction, i.e. developing a time-related program in the employee monitoring software market, with a minimum amount of interface, like an application with no GUI. It could make the product unique since all competitors in this area come with too oftenly a lot of interfaces, something you should go to, log in to, and navigate into through menus, fields and clicks.
If there is nothing visual to handle the program, where would it be? It was at this moment that they thought about the email boxes. Every company, regardless of sector or domain of operations, has an email system that all employees have access to, with a way to access the content and messages, making this type of software one of the most commonly used in the corporate world. The idea was to hide an entire software, such as an entire time tracking system for companies and institutions, inside a dedicated and special email account, integrated into the organization's network. When the email address format of company Z is "", timeNough will just require a unique email address like "", "b" for bot, how it will specifically act. It's not a real person behind that, it's a computer, capable of machine learning and artificial intelligence so that it can learn from the user, the employee using it, you or me.
Using that software also eliminates the need to navigate to a specific URL, to open a new browser window, or to launch an application. Exchanging emails and messages with this special address would be enough, with sometimes emails in HTML format with images and visuals. The interface moves directly to the employee's e-mailbox, and he/she/they controls the hidden program from there. With the software having a few interfaces and being plugged into a never-deletable tool, the guys from timeNough could reduce the final price of the solution, since it doesn't require as many developers to create a prototype, a beta, and a final release. Costs are reduced. Furthermore, the program is more minimalistic and simple than competitors, making it easier for us to handle it and master it in only two or three days. Less manual actions, stress, errors: less interface, better flow. Behind the scenes, the program maintains a local database filled with time data that it can send back to the user (by email).

2. It should come from you

A second interesting point about timeNough is how non-intrusive it is. According to the trainer, not only will the program remain hidden within an email address and mailbox, it will remain there silently, in the background, never moving or making any noise unless someone includes it as recipient, Cc or Bcc of an email exchange. In other words, timeNough will only act or react if employees want something from him, otherwise, it will do nothing by itself. Even for an MVP, the list of things and possibilities you can ask is really smart and ingenious. With this demo and its whitelisting process, users with email not ending in can be trusted by the system and then allowed to test the concept themselves, while with you can communicate freely with the machine, same domain and same specimen company: CoreNough LLC.
You will be able to interact with the program via one main email address, like "", and seven aliases related to this main address. In some of them like "", just sending an empty email from your mailbox with no subject no content should be enough to have the program identify you (because the email headers indicate you are the sender, which cannot be fudged), and then perform some measurement and tracking operations on the machine's side. Some other aliases like "" may consider the subject and the content of your message to be parameters of a request, according to a specific syntax timeNough will share with you before, and after that, will process and send you a response back with what was requested.
The developers of this enterprise solution took into consideration typical office scenarios, including figuring out an accurate clock-in and clock-out without classic badge, a case where you know you will be late and you need to tell someone about it (and be sorry), the days off topic (Human Resources concern), the pauses time when you have to leave for one or two hours unexpectedly, and so forth. It all has to do with your employment and your company. Production of corporate data and personal data is clearly the focus, but it depends on your wish to use the software, to involve it, whether manually or through automation systems that are often already integrated into email accounts. Rather than invading your privacy or requiring consent, the program will stay passive. The decision and the movement should come from you. No action, no timeNough data.

Let me know if you have any questions. Next Tuesday at 02:30 PM we have a meeting with Sofija Knežević and Cesare Araujo in Room C-16 about timeNough, a demo and presentation of the MVP features is scheduled, I can send you an invitation if it might be of interest to you.

Speak with you soon,


Megan Rothstein   
Financial Analyst | CoreNough LLC
p:  +1 606-806-7604
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5 hours 11 mins You
Time Late 5 hours
⏱  When do you expect to arrive?

Please answer by following this safe link:
4 hours 48 mins You
Time Clock-in 4 hours 46 mins
✅  Work day started: Clock-in signal received.
4 hours You
Time Pause 3 hours 55 mins
Pause signal received: see you later.
1 hour You
Time Back 57 mins
✅  Back signal received: the pause is over.
32 mins You
🚫  Clock-out is not possible before 3:50 PM. Company's rules.
Just now You
Time Quant Just now